2025 AGM

The AGM will once again be held at the Olive Tree Penketh on THURSDAY 13TH MARCH at 10.30 a.m.

We had a good attendance last year, thank you. Please come and have your say.

Agenda items for you to think about:

    • Serving on the committee. The two key roles of Secretary and Treasurer will need to be filled with some urgency to replace Anita as she moves on. The committee will not be able to function without someone in these roles and the future of the club would be jeopardised. Additional committee members are also required to bring the committee staffing up to strength.
    • Finances. Published estimates put the cost of maintaining a bowling green at between £6,000 and £10,000 per year. The lower end of that range can only be achieved with a voluntary workforce. Assuming a membership of 150 and a mid range cost of £8,000 the annual membership fee would need to be around £55 just to break even on the running costs. Additional funds would be required to build up financial reserves to allow the replacement of machinery and other assets.
    • At a recent Committee Meeting it was deemed necessary because of increasing cost of materials and the need for new equipment that the fee for the coming season will rise by £5 to £45 per member.
    • Green maintenance. We have a small dedicated team who regularly attend the green throughout the year working hard to ensure there is a playing surface and an environment where members can enjoy a high quality game of bowls in pleasant surroundings. Some of us are not getting any younger or fitter! We need to strengthen the core team with a few people who can commit to regular working at the green to perform key maintenance jobs.

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