President: Dorothy Humphreys

Message from Dorothy: “During 1990 on the recommendation of a close friend, I decided to join Penketh Bowling Club. Looking back on many years membership, I must say it was a decision I have never regretted.

Crown green bowling is a wonderful pastime. You have two options, you can take the game seriously and endeavour to become a team player or you can look upon bowling as a pleasure full of enjoyment not to be taken to keenly and to take part in social bowling played every Saturday during the bowling season. Couple this with occasional competitions, bbq’s and bring & eat buffets.

Without exception, people who join, will find bowling a challenge and a new beginning in their lives”

Chairman: Les Mason

Les joined the club in 1991 and has played competitively for the club teams for many years. He is a qualified coach and captains the Parks League Team. In addition Les leads the green keeping team and, with his wife Pat, is largely responsible for the beautifully maintained garden borders.

Vice Chair and Secretary: Anita York

Anita is a long time club member and league team player. She has served many years looking after club affairs in the official role of club secretary


Following the sad loss of our long term Treasurer Mike Glass there is now a Committee vacancy for this role

Committee Member: Mary Crosby

Mary is an active member playing competitively in the ladies’ league teams, supporting social activities and giving long service as a member of the committee

Committee Member: Pat Mason

Pat joined the club in 1991 and plays competitively for the club team. She is also largely responsible, with husband Les, for the enjoyment we all get from the beautiful flower borders that surround the green. Pat regularly supports the teams and club events working in the kitchen to provide thirsty players with a continuous supply of drinks.

Committee Member: John Twigg

John, a long time club member, plays competitively in the men’s teams. He is also a member of the green keeping team as our resident mechanical genius who manages keep our essential machinery in good working order and also helps with maintenance and repair of our property

Committee Member: Fred Williams

Fred is a regular social bowler and is a willing helper around the green. Along with son Loz he runs the winter indoor bowling at The Oaks

Green Keeping Team: Mike Nencini

Mike joined the club in 2015 and started playing bowls for the first time. He initially volunteered to help with the garden maintenance and went on to become a member of the green keeping team. He is now responsible for the maintenance of the green and management of the club website.

Green Keeping Team: Gary Webb

Gary is a competitive league player and plays in club competitions. Gary does regular mowing and other green operations to ensure the green surface is ready for play.

Green Keeping Team: John Crosby

John, a long time club member, plays competitively in the men’s teams. John carries out green operations, general maintenance work and improvement of the club estate