1   NAME

The name of the Club is Penketh Bowling Club (‘the Club).


The objects of the Club are to promote and provide amenities for social pursuits and generally to foster a spirit of good fellowship amongst the inhabitants of Penketh, Warrington, Cheshire and it’s neighbourhood and to provide amenities for the pursuit of the game of bowling and the social activities ancillary to it


3.1 There must be lodged with the Club Secretary a written nomination of every person who wishes to become a member stating the name and address of such person and signed by the prospective member and one member as proposer.
3.2 Names and addresses of new members to be displayed on Club notice board, any objections to a new member should be put in writing to the Committee.
3.3 Any member may put forward at anytime, suggestions or complaints, these must be in writing and given to a Committee member.
3.4 The Secretary shall keep a register of members and enter in it the name and addresses of all persons whom become members.
3.5 A member shall cease to be a member if he/she gives to the Secretary written notice of resignation of his/her membership or if he/she fails to pay any subscriptions within two weeks after the due date of payment, or if the member having committed some act or been guilty of behaviour inconsistent with membership of the Club, the Committee resolves by a majority of three-quarters to remove him/her from membership.
3.6 At the direction of the Committee Junior Members may be allowed, up to the age of seventeen years.


4.1 The Club’s annual Subscriptions for Ordinary Membership and Senior Citizens Membership will come under review at each AGM. The amount shall be payable by the 1st April and no later than two weeks from that date.
4.2 There will be a one off payment as a Joining Fee for every new member.
4.3 Half the Joining Fee for a member re-joining the club.

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4.3 Juniors joining fee: 50% of current fee, subscriptions: 50% of ordinary adult rate each year until 18 years of age. In the year of 18th birthday full adult membership subscription rate must be paid.
4.4 Junior members must have an adult member present during play and have no capacity to sign in any visitors. Disruptive behaviour will automatically terminate their association with the Club.


5.1 The honorary officers of the Club shall be the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer and
Secretary and must be members of the Club.
5.2 Any officer may retire by giving one weeks prior notice to the Secretary and all shall retire at
the end of each annual general meeting but shall be eligible for re-election at that meeting.


6.1 The Committee consists of the officers and not fewer than four and not more than eight other members. The Committee will elect a President, who will not be a member of the Committee, nor have a vote, but may attend Committee meetings, the President shall remain in office until either party feels the need for change.
6.2 Any member of the Committee may retire by giving one week’s prior notice to the Secretary and shall retire at the annual general meeting but shall be eligible for re-election at that meeting.
6.3 Any casual vacancy on the Committee or of any office or Trustee arising between annual general meetings may be co-opted by the Committee.
6.4 Any person who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of Committee without giving a reason acceptable to it shall cease automatically to be a member of the Committee.
6.5 The Committee shall manage all the affairs of the Club and shall have power to do everything necessary for that purpose, including making regulations.
6.6 The quorum of the Committee shall be seven, which must include two officers of the Club.
6.7 Committee meetings shall be held not less than three times a year.

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6.8 Not less than three day’s written or oral notice shall be given by the Secretary to members of the Committee of every meeting but in an emergency at the discretion of the Chairman and Secretary additional meetings may be called on not less than twenty-four hours’ notice.
6.9 Decisions at meetings of the Committee are made by simple majority, and in the event of equality of voting the Chairman (or acting Chairman of the meeting), shall have a casting vote.


7.1 An annual general meeting shall be held in November in every year.
7.2 The business of the annual general meeting shall be as follows:-

a) To receive the Chairman’s report of the activities of the Club during the preceding year.
b) To receive and consider the accounts for the preceding year and the Treasurer’s report on the financial position of the Club, also the Verifiers’ report on the accounts.
c) To elect officers and other members of the Committee.
d) To remove and elect the Trustees or confirm they remain in office.
e) To have the power to vary the joining fee and subscriptions by ordinary resolution.


8.1 An extraordinary general meeting may be convened at any time upon either a resolution of
the Committee or a requisition setting out the resolution of resolutions to be proposed at it. The requisition must be signed by a minimum of one third of the members and served on the Secretary by person delivery or recorded delivery post. If the Secretary does not give notice of the meeting pursuant to the requisition on or before the expiry of fourteen days from service of the requisition the requisitionists or any one or more of them on behalf of the others may give notice of the meeting.
8.2 The business which may be conducted at an extraordinary general meeting may be any one
or more of the following:-

a) Remove all or any of the officers, trustees and other members of the Committee and filling vacancies caused by such removal.
b) Alter these rules.
c) Dissolving the Club

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9.1 RESOLUTIONS AND Nominations of persons for election to any office must be made in writing to the Secretary not less than twenty eight days before the meeting at which resolutions and elections for that office are intended to be proposed.
9.2 Not less than twenty one days prior notice in writing setting out resolutions to be proposed at the meeting shall be give by means of a notice displayed on the Club notice board.
9.3 Resolutions at annual general meetings shall be passed by a simple majority of the votes entitled to be cast by members present at the meeting.
9.4 Resolutions at extraordinary general meetings shall be passed by a majority of three-quarters of the votes entitled to be cast by members present at the meeting.
9.5 Each member shall have one vote on every resolution.
9.6 In the event of equality in voting at the annual general meeting the Chairman or acting Chairman at that meeting shall have a second or casting vote, but there shall be no second or casting vote on any resolution proposed at an extraordinary general meeting.


10.1 The number of Trustees shall be four and can only be appointed or removed at an AGM or EGM.
10.2 There shall be vested in Trustees all the property of the Club other than cash which will be under the control of the Treasurer.
10.3 The Trustees may deal with the property so vested in them by way of sale, mortgage, change and lease or otherwise as directed by the Club. Such direction shall be given by a resolution of the members of the Club passed by a majority of members present at a duly convened meeting of the Club and when so passed shall in favour of a purchaser, mortgagee, charge, lessee or grantee be binding upon all members of the Club. A certificate purporting to be signed by the Secretary for the time being of the Club shall in favour of those persons by conclusive evidence that a direction complying in all respects with the above provisions of this rule was duly given to the Trustees.


11.1 The financial year of the Club shall end on 30th September in every year, to which day the accounts shall be balanced and drawn.
11.2 Not less than twenty eight days after the end of the financial year there shall be prepared a
statement of the assets and liabilities of the Club at the end of financial year and a statement of income and expenditure during the year, which statements shall be checked by a responsible member.

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11.3 Copies of the statement of the accounts shall be available to members fourteen days prior to annual general meeting by application to the Secretary and at the annual general meeting.
11.4 A responsible member will be appointed each AGM to check and verify the Club balance sheet and the statements of income and expenditure account.
11.5 All monies received by the Club shall be paid into an account in the name of the Club at bankers appointed by the Committee, cheques and other instruments drawn on and directions to the bankers shall be signed by not less than two officers.
11.6 No action involving expenditure in the name or on behalf of the Club shall be taken and not undertakings, which would commit the Club to expenditure or other liability, shall be made without prior authority of the Committee.


12.1 The Trustees and members of the Committee shall not be liable (otherwise than as members) for any loss suffered by the Club as a result of the discharge of their respective duties on it’s behalf, except such loss as arises from their respective wilful default and they shall be entitled to an indemnity out of the assets of the Club for all expenses and other liabilities incurred by them in the discharge of their respective duties.


13.1 The Club may be dissolved as follows:

a) By resolution passed under rule 8.2
b) By a resolution of the Committee if the number of members is less than ten for a period of not less than six months.

13.2 The dissolution shall take effect from the day when the resolution is passed and the Committee shall be responsible for the winding up of the assets and liabilities of the Club.
13.3 If any property remains after the discharge of all debts and liabilities of the Club it shall be distributed equally amongst the members of the Club at the date of dissolution.


Signed by The Trustees

Amended 18/10/2010